Over RM1.4mil worth of fake branded goods seized in JB Posted on 11/12/2024 Johor police chief M Kumar said the syndicate is believed to have been selling the fake branded goods on social media for the past four years. (Bernama pic) PETALING JAYA: Police seized fake branded goods worth RM1.41 million following a raid on a premises in the Austin Perdana complex in Johor Bahru yesterday. Johor police chief M Kumar said 356 fake branded items, including clothes, bags, shoes, hats, belts and wallets bearing brand names such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel and Balenciaga, were seized. “All the items are believed to have been imported, with each item, such as the bags, clothes and wallets, being sold at between RM350 and RM500,” he said in a statement. He said the syndicate is believed to have been selling the fake branded goods on social media for the past four years. Kumar said the case has been referred to the domestic trade and cost of living ministry for action to be taken under the Trademarks Act 2019. News
Bashar, keluarga diberi suaka di Rusia Posted on 09/12/2024 Bekas presiden Syria, Bashar al-Assad melarikan diri Moscow selepas rejim pemerintahannya tumbang. (Gambar EPA Images) ISTANBUL: Bekas presiden Syria, Bashar al-Assad yang melarikan diri bersama keluarganya tiba di Moscow pada Ahad selepas Rusia menawarkan suaka kepada mereka, lapor Agensi Anadolu memetik agensi berita Rusia. “Bashar dan ahli keluarganya tiba di… Read More
Guan Eng initiates bankruptcy proceedings against Muhyiddin over RM1.4m debt after defamation judgment Posted on 10/12/2024 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — Lim Guan Eng has filed a bankruptcy notice against Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin following a RM1.4 million judgment awarded by the High Court in a defamation suit. The suit stemmed from remarks made by the former prime minister concerning Yayasan Al-Bukhary’s tax-exempt status, according to… Read More
Nadal may skip singles action in Davis Cup farewell if it helps Spain Posted on 17/11/2024 Rafa Nadal has been severely hampered in the past two seasons by a serious hip injury and a string of minor problems. (AP pic) MADRID: Rafa Nadal said he could skip singles matches at the Davis Cup Finals in Malaga this week and limit himself to doubles action if it… Read More